Possessed by Love

Possessed by Love

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Victory Hill is a four-point five Bed and Breakfast next to the family-owned five-star restaurant where couples have met, fallen in love and married. Some even have their pictures on the “wall of love.” It is also haunted by Chelsea Donovan who died of a broken heart when her husband James was killed in the Battle of Petersburg in 1864.

Brooke O’Connor manages the family B&B and has big plans for the centennial celebration next Spring. One being the renovation of the attic into a honeymoon suite and hopefully earning that last point for a five-star designation. Unbeknownst to her family, Brooke is also part of the Free Spirits a network of people from all walks of life who offer safe places and routes to freedom for women and children in abusive situations.

Levi Donovan Matthews is a descendant and the image of James Donovan. He is also an architect, history buff and carpenter who prefers to preserve the integrity of old buildings. He has been hired to renovate the attic but finds he enjoys butting heads with Brooke more.

Suddenly Brooke’s dreams are being haunted by Chelsea and she has not one but two guests looking for a safehouse as well as two more ghosts haunting the B&B. Every where she turns Levi is snitching food, questioning everything she does, complaining about locked doors, even fighting possession by his own ancestor.

Can Brooke and Levi overcome the attempts of James and Chelsea to reconnect, reunite and claim the love they were denied over one hundred fifty years earlier. 


 Title Possessed by Love
Author Kay Brooks
Type Contemporary Romance
ISBN 9781735427836
Date Published November 19, 2022
Trilogy Victory Hill Trilogy, Book 3